Semi-random PSET art

Charlie Veniot 5th November 2022 at 4:59pm
sw = 400
sy = 400
dim as integer x, y

function get_color%()
select case (x * y)
case 0 to (50^2)
  this_max = 4
case (50^2)+1 to (100^2)
  this_max = 6
case (100^2)+1 to (150^2)
  this_max = 8
case (150^2)+1 to (200^2)
  this_max = 10
case (200^2)+1 to (250^2)
  this_max = 12
case else
  this_max = 16
end select
get_color% = int(rnd*this_max)
end function

screen _newimage(sw, sy, 12)

x = int(rnd*sw) : y = int(rnd*sy) : c = get_color%()
pset (x,y), c